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How Are Big Tech Companies Changing Pharma Marketing?

How Are Big Tech Companies Changing Pharma Marketing?

How Are Big Tech Companies Changing Pharma Marketing?

How Are Big Tech Companies Changing Pharma Marketing?

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Uber is transporting patients. Samsung has bots providing healthcare. Amazon is on the prescription drug market. Apple Healthcare continues to grow. Big tech companies have entered the healthcare market and disrupted it in the ways only tech can.

When big tech enters a field, they aren’t just another competitor. They’re game changers. They only enter a field when they know their technological skills and scale can radically overhaul, streamline, and transform it. In other words: they disrupt. And once they’ve disrupted, there’s no going back. But luckily for marketers, disruption brings plenty of opportunities.

The speed, ease of use, and digital-first philosophy that constitute big tech’s bread and butter have become staples of healthcare and pharma marketing. Mobile devices, wearables and the like are the medium through which people become aware of these services and later receive them. Big tech started with tackling retail, entertainment, finance, and customer service, and it was just a matter of time before they tried their hand at healthcare.

So, what does this mean for healthcare and pharma marketers?

Audiences Are Expecting More, And Faster

Whether your marketing is targeting the public or healthcare professionals, your audience is familiar with the speed and ease-of-use of big tech and has come to expect it. They know what it’s like to shop on Amazon or use online banking platforms. Previously tiresome tasks can now be done in just a few clicks, and for perpetually busy physicians and administrators, that’s a huge plus.

This is a huge opportunity for marketers who can deliver their message quickly, clearly, enjoyably and memorably. E-detailing can reach health care providers who don’t have time to meet with reps. Email drip campaigns can keep in touch with clients without overwhelming them. Emails with a dynamic video element can reach thousands of people in minutes and take up much less of their time than a face-to-face meeting, while still making a big impression. And there’s an added bonus…

You Can (And Should) Take Advantage Of Analytics

Digital marketing lets you get really great user data: who got the email, who visited the website, who watched the video, how long they watched for, which links they clicked, how long they read your article… Online experiences are not only rich, but data-rich. All big tech companies use big data this way, and so can you, even if your data is not so big. You can generate leads and track your campaign success in fine detail. All it takes is a well-thought-out digital marketing campaign.

The Market Is Getting Crowded And You Need To Stand Out

New companies entering the field means new competition you’ll need to beat, but fortunately, the way forward is known. Products such as dynamic videos, assessment questionnaires, and user-focused websites and practices like personalization, community building, content marketing and gamification have become the standard operating procedure in digital-forward industries. Using them can help stake out a claim in the digital pharma marketing land rush.

Take Advantage Of Tech

The hardest part – creating the technology – is already done. iPads have already swept through the healthcare world, and healthcare providers (and their patients!) already spend their days with their faces glued to their devices. Take advantage of these devices and their platforms to provide information where it will be seen. iPads offer excellent opportunities for e-detailing, and health-related apps can be delivered instantly to mobile and wearable devices via app stores. Your audience’s attention is already on mobile, so you might as well meet them where they are!

Big tech’s entry into the healthcare market will change it, not just through the services they sell, but by their very presence and way of doing business. This disruption is a tale as old as this millennium. And it’s your opportunity to leap ahead of your competition and rise to the top of your field by adopting tried-and-true practices of leading-edge digital marketing.

Rich Media has helped companies from a wide variety of industries make this leap to digital and stick the landing. Contact us or check out our portfolio to see what sort of marketing could lie in your future.

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