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How you can be using video to boost your digital marketing

7 Types of Video That Will Boost Your Digital Marketing

7 Types of Video That Will Boost Your Digital Marketing

7 Types of Video That Will Boost Your Digital Marketing

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Video-based digital marketing is widely recognized as an extremely engaging way to capture online visitors’ attention. Video adds richness by enhancing the layers of communication and adding colour and flavour, giving any marketing pitch a fabulous boost. Before using video for digital marketing, it’s helpful to be aware of the various video based options you have to choose from!

Company or Product Videos

The corporate video has long been the bread and butter of many digital marketing practitioners, since it is recognized to be an efficient method of corporate communication. To enhance the experience, incorporate shots of the office, and perhaps employees, to build the character of the organization. These shots may involve B-rolls that show images of the workplace and close ups of tasks being performed, for example. Adding a voiceover lends a narrative to the video and this could be the story of the organization or description of a key event.

TIP: Look at the corporate video as an opportunity to allow the viewer to virtually spend some time at your workplace. Make it engaging, informative, and reflecting the true flavour of your organization.

Video Host

The use of a video host is a popular method of improving communication with an audience. This is because a video host can be used to walk users through a site or tool, they can be used to draw attention to specific areas, they can provide instructions, or they can be used to provide some more information on a product or service. In addition, animation or infographic elements can enhance the presence of a video host.

TIP: It’s important to cast someone who embodies your brand and the message you’re sending. Having a video host that your target market can relate to will also increase their connection to your brand.



Although you may say you have a great product, having a video testimonial of a real customer or client can potentially give your brand or product the praise it deserves while still feeling objective. Testimonials can be presented in a few different ways–they can be done in a studio or on location (depending on your product, this could be a home, office or store location). While gathering a testimonial, try to interview the customer rather than just having them recite a prewritten script – editing can be done later to include just key points, and the message will be much more authentic.

Case Studies

The case study video, in essence, is a testimonial video that has been applied to specific user segments. It is an effective way of showing different user groups how your product or service might apply to them. A case study video involves having either fictional characters or actual customers talk about their personal experiences and how the product or service applies to them. Think about who your key three to four user segments are, and then plan a case study to appeal to each segment. We’re all more likely to pay attention to video where someone similar to our demographic is using a product or service.


Demos are video demonstrations of how to use a product or service. Since customers or users are more likely to just skim through the instructions rather than read them carefully, a demo can communicate the usage instructions much more effectively. Even complicated instructions are easier to explain when accompanied by video demonstrations. Demos can, also be seen as standardized training manuals that are video based and benefit from the features of multimedia communication. A video host can be used to explain and demonstrate usage methods and animation can be used as well to enhance the ease of understanding.

TIP: Although your material may be complicated, try to keep your demo as short and succinct as possible. If it is getting too long, try to break it out into chapters or sections that make it more digestible for your users.


Product Shots

A product shot is the 'aha' moment at the end of a television commercial, when the story has been told and the audience gets to see the decked up product shining under a sharp light. The product shot can be ideally used to showcase the product, whether in a television commercial or other kind of video such as a testimonial. Rather than focusing on specific product features, product shots usually present the product as a whole that is shot using a wide perspective. This is important to establish the reputation of the product even if there are no camera movements or dialogues involved, and it also builds excitement of the key users, making them feel proud to own the product.

TIP: Although it might seem like a waste of time, don't rush the product shot. Take your time to light up the product and carefully choose your camera angles.

Virtual Environments

A virtual environment is created by visually depicting a real world setting, offering the user the experience of a three dimensional feel of an offline space. Relating a virtual environment to a physical environment can increase exploration of a site as the user proceeds through the setting. For example, the user would “visit the lab” to take part in a survey, or would navigate to a bank of computers to use a tool or calculator. Incorporating videos of actual people into the 3-D space further enhances the experience for users.

Next Steps

All of these possible methods can be used individually or in combination. Once goals, scope, and budget are determined, decide which video experience is best for your users - and increase your visibility and user engagement by some awesome video!

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